Planning represents the stages after definition of the focus question, and prior to implementation. This stage is relevant to chapter one of the written thesis, which includes objectives, an introduction to terminology used throughout the thesis and an outline of the thesis. Chapter two of the written thesis contains the research philosophy and methodology, including
Planning took place mainly in year 1 of the PhD.
This chapter also contains information on participant demographics, as guided by the reading and reflections carried out in the planning stage. I needed to understand the demographics of my intended participants in order to choose the appropriate research groups and participants. Links are included below to show more about the settings in which my practice-based research workshops took place.

Scottish Government (2016) Introducing The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) [Online]. Available: http://www.isdscotland.org/Products-and-Services/GPD-Support/Deprivation/SIMD/.[Accessed 17 Mar 2017].
Wheeldon, J. and Åhlberg, M. (2012) Visualizing Social Science Research: Maps, Methods and Meaning. London: SAGE.