Academic Research
PhD Research in Cultural Asset Mapping

Digital Storytelling- Belfast and Armagh
Institute of Historic Building Conservation Annual School 2018 consultancy work

Graphics and Illustration- CCSE branding
Graphics and Illustration - branding, website and publicity materials for the Centre for Culture, Sport and Events (CCSE) at the University of the West of Scotland.

Adobe Spark Learning and Teaching Resources
Digital learning resources on research methods , produced using Adobe Spark

Arty-Archi Tours
Architectural heritage drawing tours

Exhibition: Are You Here- A Genealogical Journey
Exhibition of illustration work, including mini-documentary on the exhibition
Graphics and Illustration - Live Student Brief
Working with a College to provide a project brief for visual communications and graphic design students
Art workshop- Schools Townscape Heritage
Providing an art workshop for schools as part of a grant aided Townscape Heritage (TH) and Conservation Area Regeneration (CARS) Scheme

Digital Storytelling- IHBC Edinburgh and Orkney
Live digital media reporting and monitoring for the Institute of Historic Building Conservation
Art workshop- Family Townscape Walk
Art walk and workshop for a Townscape Heritage Initiative
Digital Storytelling- IHBC Norwich
Live digital media reporting and monitoring for the Institute of Historic Building Conservation
Digital Media Training- Coding and Reporting
Reporting as part of a community media hub, producing blog posts, audio and video and running training sessions
Art workshop- Edinburgh Festival of Cycling
Arts and crafts for Edinburgh Festival of Cycling
Digital Media Training- Placemaking
Digital media workshops for planning and placemaking professionals
Digital Media Training- Architectural Events
Digital Media Training for Glasgow Doors Open Day 2015

Graphics and Illustration- Digital Commonwealth
A memory box design for the University of the West of Scotland Digital Commonwealth Project.
I was commissioned to design:
-packaging artwork
-DVD packaging for project documentary
-DVD design for the project documentary

Gdansk to Govan
Photographic response to regeneration and development in shipyard and waterfront areas